Sunday, March 31, 2013

color my lamp

Sometimes our plans don't go as we'd like and we just make the most of it and enjoy what we can. My schedule this week and weekend was like that. Had just a wee bit of time in the craft room last night and my muse was no where to be found so...... I looked around, saw this little lamp in my least favorite color (it was a gift many years ago) so I grabbed the markers and drawing inks and instead of pink, it's now blue & orange (my favorites).

"Onion rings in the car cushions do not improve with time."
 ~ Erma Bombeck

"Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation."
~ Michael Jordan


1 comment:

Christi Hegstad said...

This is awesome! A small action (compared to creating a whole new lamp, shopping for one, etc.) but a completely different outcome. I love the quotes you chose to accompany this post, too. :-) I'm inspired!