Sunday, March 31, 2013

color my lamp

Sometimes our plans don't go as we'd like and we just make the most of it and enjoy what we can. My schedule this week and weekend was like that. Had just a wee bit of time in the craft room last night and my muse was no where to be found so...... I looked around, saw this little lamp in my least favorite color (it was a gift many years ago) so I grabbed the markers and drawing inks and instead of pink, it's now blue & orange (my favorites).

"Onion rings in the car cushions do not improve with time."
 ~ Erma Bombeck

"Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation."
~ Michael Jordan


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Well, friends, I must have overdone things last weekend. A bug caught me and held me captive this week. I'm on the road to recovery, but very fatigued so no crafting was done other than a little practicing of the half double stitch -- and I'm pleased to say the result was a square rather than being shaped like Iowa or some other state or object - ha! Rather than share a less-than-exciting picture of that, here's a snapshot of a deer from our state park outing last Sunday. I'm still learning this new camera so the photo isn't terribly clear, but aren't this girl's eyes gorgeous? 

It's snowing in Iowa again today. Mother Nature is laughing heartily at the calendar this year, for sure. I'm ready for Spring but the extended winter has kept the bald eagles around longer than usual, so that's been nice. I love to see them soaring overhead or sitting in the trees along the rivers. 

Have a great week everyone. Stay healthy & safe, and.... HAVE FUN! 


Saturday, March 16, 2013

peek a boo

Last night my husband took me out to a local state park so I could play with the new camera he gave me for my birthday (a tad early, since tomorrow is the day). These three sweeties were timidly hiding behind the branches next to the road, and scattered soon after I snapped a couple photos. They are such beautiful animals. 

We're heading to a St. Patty's Day party tonight so I've gotta scoot -- will post again soon. In the meantime, have a keen & green weekend!  


Saturday, March 9, 2013

crochet Iowa

It's been over ten years since I crocheted anything. Before I quit, I made two afghans -- one large enough for a king size bed. I burnt myself out with that project so sold my supplies. Lately I've had an itch to pick it up again, so I enrolled in one of the crochet classes through Craftsy. The photo above is my first attempt at double crochet stitch. Would like to say I planned for it to look like the state of Iowa, but haha -- nope. It was supposed to be square. Looks like I've got lots of practicing to do. The first project I want to tackle is making a tote bag for my ultrabook.

And yes, I know I'm all over the place with my crafts. I enjoy them all so skip around a lot. Would be good to land on one long enough to get good at it. That will come at some point... for now, just having fun. I hope you're having fun too! 

"If you're not having fun - I don't care what you're doing - don't do it. Move on. Find something else, life's too short." ~ Jerry Doyle 


Sunday, March 3, 2013

first WIPs for quite awhile

In case you're wondering if I'm actually creating, since my posts so far this year don't show it, here are some current WIPs as well as the chaotic state of my studio. Fun is being had here ^smile^ and I hope it's occurring where you are too. 


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Shutter By Shickell

This week I'm honored to introduce you to a photographer who beautifully captures the glorious colors and images of nature. Mike Shickell, of Shutter By Shickell, offers his unique collection on either metal or professional photo paper (Lustre, Glossy or Metallic). You can view some of his work & learn more about him via his Facebook page. I can boast that I own the beauty below, a signed 16” x 16” metal print with a satin finish, having been the lucky winner of a drawing last Thanksgiving. Yes..... I was quite thankful indeed (still am)! 

Gold Gazania
© Shutter By Shickell
