Sunday, January 11, 2009

I'm still here....

I just wanted to drop in & say, hi, I'm still here....don't give up on me. This buggaboo just really grabbed hold and has taken me for a loop. What little energy I've had has gone to my job & getting well. DH helped by taking down the tree yesterday....the latest I've ever had it still up after the holidays. I haven't even checked emails, Yahoo groups, or blog-surfed for days... I'm beginning to go through withdrawals (smile). Hoping to get back in the game soon!

1 comment:

{Daydreamer} said...

I think I've been battling the same bug, Di. Hang in there though. Oh, and my tree is STILL up! :O I was down for about a week and I'm just now getting back to normal. Still have a horrible cough and feel weak.
Heather :)