We enjoyed a great day at the Iowa State Fair Wednesday. I snapped this photo of the state bird of Iowa at one of the gardens while we snacked on freshly made mini donuts for breakfast. Yes, I gave in to a sugary treat at 8am but was a good girl the rest of the day with a veggie corn dog for lunch and lots of water (ok, and a couple wheat beers before we left - smile).
Speaking of photos, my new camera arrived after we got home from the fair and I'm LOVING it! I haven't played much, but what I've seen of it so far has be very excited. This fun new toy might mean I have more photos to share (that give-and-take thing, since I enjoy so many of everyone else's photos on their/your blogs). Until next time....
After two years and four months of great service, my little Canon PowerShot SD1100 IS suddenly quit working. I loved that camera ~ it easily fit in both my purse and back pocket and it took great photos. Reading through various reviews of the camera I learned mine suffered from a common defect. It would freeze up and the screen would go black. It would be several seconds or minutes before it would unstick. Reliability is an absolute must for a camera, so off to research new cameras I went. Tomorrow my new Canon PowerShot ELPH 300 HS arrives! I'm so excited about the advanced features of this little camera and to top it off ~ we had enough reward points saved up to cover the price! WOO-HOO! The only downside is that it won't be here today in order to use it tomorrow when we go to the Iowa State Fair. Looks like I'll be taking my larger camera on that adventure.... not ideal, but it'll be good practice at being responsible ~ hahaha! Interesting that two years ago, the 28mm 20x zoom on my "larger" camera was ground-breaking... yet today the upgraded version of that camera has 24mm 35x zoom for $170 less. What will they be offering a year from now? hmmmm.....
"The number one benefit of information technology is that it empowers people to do what they want to do. It lets people be creative. It lets people be productive. It lets people learn things they didn't think they could learn before, and so in a sense it is all about potential." ~ Steve Ballmer
Hubby & I went to a home improvement store yesterday to buy a couple electrical items. We can never seem to get out of those types of stores without snooping around in other isles, which usually means impulse purchases. This time I was the lucky one, finding and purchasing a glass & tile bit for my Dremel. It couldn't stay in the package long, either. I had it out last night to create a new glass pendant. I love my Dremels (yes, so much so that I own two of them). This new drill bit opens up even more creative options for my pendants. YIPPEE!
"Sometimes on the way to the dream, you get lost & find a better one." ~ author unknown