Sunday, January 5, 2014

if it matters to you, do it

As I was reorganizing the north side of my studio this weekend to accommodate the sewing machine table, I dug through my stash of odds and ends for a shelf to use. This little one was just the right size, and was my favorite Aunt's so it brings wonderful memories each time I look at it. The issue is... I'm just not a bright brass kind of girl. What to do, what to do... 

Experimentation ensued and after a little playing around with alcohol inks, India inks and the heat gun, the leaves are now richly colored. 

At this point, the shelf is up and I'm ready to sew with ease when the mood strikes. At the moment, however, I'm itching to work with metals or some mixed media. It's the scanner* in me -- loving a wide variety of crafts. How about you? Do you focus on one or two or do you flitter about among several? 

* Scanner is a term coined by Barbara Sher for those of us with "hit and run" obsessions, eager to explore many paths. The trait comes with pros and cons, as most things in life do. And as with most things, it's best to embrace it as part of who we are and make the most of it. 

I'll end with this quote from Queen Latifah: 

"I wish every woman would love herself 
and embrace what she was given naturally." 


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