craigslist virgin no more
Well, I made my first craigslist purchase this evening. While I don't typically get pulled in by trends and such, I've been taken in over the past couple of years by the versatility of dress forms. Keeping my eye open for an inexpensive one for many months now, I stumbled across this one late last week. She reminds me of my late-teen days working in the dress/gift shop. I can't wait to clean her up so she adds a bit of style to my craft room!
I hope you too are enjoying unexpected delights this week. Believe, Di
Hi there! I was just thinking of you and had a minute to come by and see what you've been up to. Have to say, I love your purchase! I think everyone should have one and I want one too! I think I would decoupage mine first and then who knows? You should have a contest to see how many ideas your friends can come up with for your new "friend"!
Loved peeking at some of your work and pictures. The snow is so lovely! And look at you, you builder person! Wish I had you to build me some shelves here! I'm so impressed!
Well, we had a rough year last year didn't we? Hope this year is much much better for both of us!
Wonderful find. I am green with envy.
I love your purchase! Don't forget to show us an after pic when you dress her up! Hugs Tee
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