My hubby has been revamping his workshop. After building some new wall cabinetry, he had some leftover pegboard, so he built this storage/display unit for me.
I removed the handle on top, added casters to the bottom and filled one side with some clearance/thrift shop findings that will eventually be used in art or altered jewelry.
Here it is in its new home. Notice Winston and Gandalf there? Ahhh.... love....
And here's what I've added to one of the backgrounds I shared a couple weeks ago. It's my first painting of a person. I just "saw" her in the background and brought her forward. It was weird, and, it was magical. She's not complete, at least I don't think so.... I'm just letting this piece come about as it will. I look at it each day, open for it to to speak to me again... telling me how it wants to emerge... "See into life -- don't just look at it." ~ Anne Baxter