Sunday, May 12, 2019

return to blogging

It's been 3.5 years since my last post. Much has happened, including breast cancer, closing my business, returning to the corporate world (new role in a new-to-me company) and the loss of my mother. The experiences sparked a lot of self-reflection, especially my cancer and losing Mom.

One thing I realized is how much I missed making things. Not being in the craft room much in 2016 or 2017, I set a goal to create at least 10 hours per month in 2018. It worked so well I kept it as a goal for 2019 and added an element of learning something new each month. This one is a bit dangerous, because I already hop around to various mediums so frequently that I don't get good at any of them, so learning new things seems like giving vodka to the drunk, but my goal is to learn from others instead of trying to figure out everything on my own. My hope is I'll settle in on just a select few mediums and focus my energy on them. The more I practice them, the better I'll become.

So why take time away from learning/practicing/creating to blog again? Because I believe it will help hold me accountable to my goal. I'd also like a record of what I'm doing so I can see my progress over time. So, while I'm putting this online for anyone to see, I'm doing it for me. If you stumble upon this site and have a positive or encouraging word to share, feel free.

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